UK rainfall radar. UK Rain radar map to track where rain, sleet or snow is falling.

Live UK Rain Radar Map

Our UK Rain Radar Info

Our UK rain radar uses a combination of hi-resolution model data, along with ground observations to show whether rain, sleet, snow, hail or freezing rain is falling. It's an excellent guide, but bear in mind that in very localised situations some variation may occur.
The radar map is updated every 10 minutes with a new radar observation. The different colours indicate the intensity of rainfall or snowfall. Light blue indicates drizzle, blue a medium intensity, and red and yellow indicate very strong precipitation, usually associated with thunderstorms.
South West Warnings

    No weather warnings have been issued for the South West at this time.

On This Day ...
Record Temperatures On This Date
Record High
19.9°C- 2011
Record Low
-0.2°C - 2023

Moon & Sun Forecast

5:50 am
8:22 pm
Day Length
14:32 hrs
Waning Gibbous, Moon at 16 days in cycle
10:41 pm
5:58 am
There will be 3 mins 42sec more daylight tomorrow
Moon Phase:Waning Gibbous

Today's extremes

Thursday 25 April
High Temp11.9°C11:48 AM
Low Temp0.7°C4:00 AM
Rain Rate0.00 mm/hr2:05 PM
Max Gust12.7 mph11:36 AM
Min Windchill-0.0°C7:13 AM